viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

Why dieting usually doesn't work?

I've never been happy with my body, always comparing my legs with others, treinta to be the fitest, watching my body in the mirror 23948 times a day.. etc. I watched these videos of victoria's secret where there appeared the most gorgeous slim girls, they were my idols, I wanted to be like them. I have been watching my weight and doing excersise with no result for quite some time, till I found what was wrong with this"diet" when a watched a video from neurologist Sandra Aamodt, who completely opened my eyes.
The reseach talked about the useless dieting thousands of girls go through every year. The problem is we think that going on a diet for a month will solve losing those few pounds we have always wanted to lose. Our body thinks that the weight we have now, is the normal and perfect one, so it would try to compensate the things you do to stay like that. Imagine an obese person, they are fat but their body thinks this is normal. If this person tries losing 10 pounds, the body will think he/she is starving and would do anything to go back to how he/she was before, so they will be obese again. The reseach said that 80% of 10 years old girls from the USA declared they had alredy done some dieting, this is very horrofing, These girls should be playing with their dolls, having fun, not worring about their weight.
Girls who start dieting at an early age have three times more the possibility to be overweight in a five year period.

However, this doesn't mean it's impossible for us to be skinnier. We are more intelligent than our body, we can tease her, though this will take some time. Start dieting if you want, take it as something new in your life. Over the years that "normal" body state will be much thinner than the past one. You would be able to eat normally and not vary your weight.
Sandra Aamodt recommended to take control of your body, noticie when you're full or hungry. Hear your body. This took her over a year, she's so in control of her body she can have chocolate in the house and not eat it! This won't make you loose much, but It's worth it!
So girls, take control of your body, you rule. Don't let her take control of you!

Loooove you
Marina xxx

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